0: (Uninitialized) the send( ) method has not yet been invoked.
1: (Loading) the send( ) method has been invoked, request in progress.
2: (Loaded) the send( ) method has completed, entire response received.
3: (Interactive) the response is being parsed.
4: (Completed) the response has been parsed, is ready for harvesting.
0 - (未初始化)还没有调用send()方法
1 - (载入)已调用send()方法,正在发送请求
2 - (载入完成)send()方法执行完成,已经接收到全部响应内容
3 - (交互)正在解析响应内容
4 - (完成)响应内容解析完成,可以在客户端调用了
1: (Loading) the send( ) method has been invoked, request in progress.
2: (Loaded) the send( ) method has completed, entire response received.
3: (Interactive) the response is being parsed.
4: (Completed) the response has been parsed, is ready for harvesting.
0 - (未初始化)还没有调用send()方法
1 - (载入)已调用send()方法,正在发送请求
2 - (载入完成)send()方法执行完成,已经接收到全部响应内容
3 - (交互)正在解析响应内容
4 - (完成)响应内容解析完成,可以在客户端调用了